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I’ve assembled my best material on self-discovery,
impactful leadership and transformative spirituality.


Quantum Leap with
Bodhi’s Meditations

Get your FREE access pass to Bodhi’s free meditation series, “Quantum Leap to Magnificence”. These meditations have been meticulously crafted for ultra-achievers.

The Latest from Bodhi


Personal Development

The Truth of Success: The Search for Magnificence

“Is this all there is?”

This query, far from being a sign of ingratitude or restlessness, marks the beginning of a transformative journey – a quest for true magnificence that transcends the metrics of external success and delves into the essence of human potential.


Are you a male business leader or owner longing for something more, even amidst the fullness of your life? Do you feel a quiet whisper inside, urging you to express yourself more fully and experience all that life has to offer? If so, tune in to “True Freedom with Bodhi Aldridge,” a transformative podcast that gives voice to the inner calling we all have as men.

Join Transformational Leadership Coach Bodhi Aldridge and Host Richard Stokes as they explore how you can live a life of true freedom while still thriving as a leader, paying the mortgage and picking the kids up from school. This podcast is designed for men like you – those in relationships with mortgages, businesses and kids – who long to live lives full of purpose, joy and passion.

Throughout the series, Bodhi and Richard will delve into a wide range of topics that are essential to your journey towards true freedom, including:

– Beliefs and mindset
– The art of parenting
– Improving relationships
– Our relationship with money
– Developing presence
– Finding your purpose
– Cultivating inner peace
– Effective communication
– Understanding the masculine and feminine
– Energy and time management
– Manifestation

With each episode, you’ll gain valuable insights, practical tools and transformative perspectives that will help you navigate the complexities of modern life while staying connected to your authentic self and deepest desires.

Whether you’re seeking to enhance your leadership skills, strengthen your relationships, or simply find a greater sense of fulfillment and joy in your life, “True Freedom with Bodhi Aldridge” is your guide to unlocking the magnificent potential within you.

Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth and transformation that will lead you to the life of true freedom you’ve been longing for.

“Bodhi gave me clarity, presence and the ability to move through the challenges of my role with flow as opposed to the usual push and stress. I highly recommend Bodhi to leaders looking to be more effective and stay grounded and calm in this busy world.”

Cal Lankton, Former VP, Tesla