About Bodhi

About Bodhi
I am passionate about guiding male business owners and leaders around the globe to reconnect with their true self, uncover their true purpose and experience true freedom.

My journey as a father, a grandfather, a lawyer, a coach and facilitator has taken me across the world diving deep into traditional teachings and contemporary leadership development.

What I know is… all men long for freedom. The problem is, none of us really understand what true freedom means. We think it’s something external - more money, more time or an endless summer…

But true freedom comes from within.

Having worked with thousands of male business leaders and owners around the world for over 20 years, there are three main problems they want a solution to (even if they don’t know it yet):

1. Their Distracted Mind - More and more men are having trouble being Present - with themselves and with others. This lack of presence affects their inner world, their communication and their relationships.

2. Their Resistance to Life - Many men feel like they’re being held back, living life with the brakes on or they may phrase it as feeling stuck or stuck in a rut. They constantly resist life which creates tension and kills joy.

3. Their Sense of Overwhelm - Men who are married with a mortgage, business and kids can feel overwhelmed by what they feel as the weight of their responsibilities. This overwhelm and sense of obligation can lead to resentment.


The outcomes that solve these problems are:

> Cultivating Presence

> Learning to Develop Flow States in Life

> Fully Aligning with Purpose and igniting Passion for life.

The first step is moving from distraction to Presence which can be achieved in just 90-Days. It is the foundation of everything and is absolutely life changing. Flow, Purpose and Freedom arise from this basis of Presence. This is why I begin my process with either 6 sessions/3 months of Private Mentoring or my 3 month Distraction to Presence Program.

Once Presence has been established and you have a stronger connection with yourself, we can begin the deeper work through my 9 month Leadership Mastery Program. Becoming a more influential leader - as a husband, father and boss, relies on men being able to lead themselves first.

The men I work with are basically me, 25 years ago. I had a loving marriage, 4 great kids, a thriving legal practice and a beautiful home. But in my efforts to build my business and family, I had lost touch with myself.

I’m 60 now and have found a path to True Freedom within. My obsession is to share this knowledge with as many men as possible and guide them to create a life of Freedom, Flow, Abundance, Impact and Joy...  whilst more skillfully navigating the ups and downs of professional and personal life.

My other obsessions are my beloved wife of 40 years who I live with by the beach near Byron Bay, Australia; our 4 children and 10 grandchildren who keep us tapping into the pure joy and innocence that life can offer... travelling around the globe and my daily practices of surfing, yoga and music.

If you want to know more about my personal story, check out the video below.

I offer the following services and experiences...

Keynote Speaking and Facilitaton

Bodhi is a popular keynote speaker. He regularly speaks at large corporate events from Vistage UK to the CFO Centre. He's also a popular guest on international podcast.

Private Mentoring & Coaching

When his availability permits, Bodhi offers one-on-one Private Coaching and Mentoring, predominantly to male business owners and leaders.

Group Programs for Male Business Owners & Leaders

Bodhi offers two Group Programs per year - a 3MTH Distraction to Presence Program and a 9MTH Leadership Mastery Program.

Nature Leadership Retreats for Men

Bodhi offers transformative nature-based leadership retreats in Central Australia, the East Coast of Australia, the UK woodlands and Ibiza, Spain. Keep an eye on his events pages for upcoming retreats.

Mini Course

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