After the completion of Private Mentoring clients are invited to join this online
Group Program - a deep dive into professional and personal leadership...

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As a husband and father imagine feeling deeper, more joyful connections to your kids and your beloved. Imagine getting triggered less; reacting less and responding more...

As a business owner or leader imagine increasing your income and impact and feeling on purpose each day...

As a man imagine having more energy and passion for life. Feeling less self-doubt, stress and anxiety. Feeling less resistance and more flow...

Bodhi will guide you to this place of Inner Peace and Outer Purpose through his approach to Leadership Mastery... from the Inside Out.


The Program

Other leadership programs might cover strategy, communication, team building, leadership styles and techniques in the workplace.

This Program is an inside out job. In 9 months it will transform you into a more present, relaxed, purposeful and joyful human being.

It will develop your mind, your energy and your impact as a man and a leader at work, at play and at home.

It will completely transform your performance, your opportunities, your outcomes and most importantly,
your relationships.

It will give you the Frameworks of understanding, the Practices, the Tools and the support of a community of like-minded men facing the same challenges that you are.


“Bodhi was introduced to me at a time in my life where I was deeply looking what it means to be man in todays world, balancing the pressures of work and family with my own introspection and spiritual path. Like many men, I was confused for a long time, pushing away from toxic masculinity while looking for a gentler approach in life. Through Bodhi’s coaching and the Leadership Mastery Program, I was guided not to a space deep within where I have been able to get in touch who I really am and allow the true nature of my being to shine more brightly. This has had such a profound impact in my life, allowing me to walk taller, be gentler, and transform relationships in my life as I navigate being a parent to teens and the demands of an exec level job, while always remaining true to myself and my own journey.”

Andrew Milson
Managing Executive, Food Lovers Market
South Africa

Would you like to??

Uplevel your Business... 

  • Be a more effective leader and communicator
  • Feeling clear on your Purpose and superpowers
  • More time working on the business than in the business
  • Make the best decision every time
  • Increase your income and impact

Uplevel your Relationship... 

  • Deeper, more joyful connections with your kids and partner
  • Deeper understanding of masculine/feminine communication
  • Be less triggered
  • Respond more, react less

Uplevel your Health... 

  • More energy and passion for life
  • Less stress and anxiety
  • Less resistance and more flow
  • Reduce the Inner Critic
  • Let go of self-doubt and the ‘Not Good Enough’

When you fully commit to the work, these are the outcomes of the Leadership Mastery Program.

9 Months At A Glance...

Foundation: PRESENCE

Cultivating PRESENCE is fundamental to supporting the other pillars on your journey to Leadership Mastery and True Freedom. Through your attendance of Bodhi’s ‘Distraction to Presence’ Program or Private Coaching, you have begun to establish this foundation but the practice of Presence will continue to be woven throughout the Leadership Mastery Program.

Module 1: PURPOSE 

For the first few months of the Program we’ll explore the concept of PURPOSE. What it is, what it isn’t and how to discover our Inner, Outer and Higher Purpose. As men we feel the constant, quiet whisper of Purpose calling to us. What is the meaning of my life? What will the next chapter of my life bring? What will be my impact?

Module 2: PASSION 

Over the next couple of months we will explore the concept of PASSION. What it is, what it isn’t and how to awaken and cultivate it in our lives, our work and relationships. As men, we may have set our passions aside to focus on providing, fathering and growing our businesses and careers. But the longing for this quality of joy, desire and enthusiasm needs to be expressed. Let’s discover how you can feel fully alive! My mantra is... ‘Don’t die with the music in you’...


For the final few months we will bring together Presence, Purpose and Passion to explore the final step towards this sense of True Freedom in life and work... the concept of MANIFESTATION. Most people see life as happening TO them. Through the Frameworks and Practices in this Module, you will change your mindset to see you are 100% responsible for creating your life. You get to Choose. In this Module, you’ll learn the skills to create the abundant business and life you want.

“Bodhi has been an important friend and mentor to me over the past 10 years. As an extension of our one-on-one work, I was invited to take part in the group based Leadership Mastery Program. This was certainly a step outside of my comfort zone in terms of sharing my truth with what at first were perceived to be a group of strangers. Bodhi was a strong advocate for the power of the group and my trust in him allowed me to step into that space.

An experience that is likely to be echoed by all participants, who ultimately found a safe space and a group of like-minded men trying to find their way in the world. The group taught us that we were actually not alone on this journey we call life and our experiences and the highs and the lows are shared, the context is the same, it is just the content that differs. This in itself creates a new comfort zone and inner peace that I still enjoy to this day."

Adrian Dine
Managing Director, Adstructure
Brisbane, Australia

Power of Community

Many business owners and leaders feel lonely or isolated. Being able to come to an independent group to share challenges, aspirations, experiences and progress is incredibly powerful.

The fastest way to unwind limiting beliefs, triggers and blind spots is through relationship. This Program brings together like-minded men in a community that’s safe, non-judgemental and held by an expert facilitator.

The community dynamic enhances the coaching process, allowing participants to relate and grow through witnessing each other's challenges and breakthroughs. This enriches the program beyond measure, fostering personal growth, mateship and a deep sense of connection.

Group numbers will be strictly limited.



In this video, the LMP guys share how they feel about the group - after 4 session together.


In this video from the wrap up session of the 2022 LMP, some of the guys share how they feel.

"The Leadership Mastery Program initiative was wonderful. When I signed up, I had no idea what to expect but the 9 months was absolutely remarkable. I experienced significant personal growth and felt so much more grounded in myself which was fabulous... but the real highlight for me was getting to know the guys in the group and witnessing every one of them turn a huge corner. To be a part of that was wonderful. I just loved the group thing! I have always been a solo player, but hearing the views, experiences and challenges of the guys made me feel so normal... and it was a great learning experience for me. I highly recommend the program to others - I feel it would be impossible to get nothing out of it. ”

Jerry Wolveridge
Director, Wolveridge Architect
Melbourne, Australia

What You Get...

What you receive when you join the Program:

>> Group Sessions: Every second Tuesday for 1.5hr x 9 months (Recorded so you can rewatch them)

>> One-on-One Sessions: 6 x 1hr One-on-One Coaching Sessions (OPTIONAL)

>> Student Portal: 24/7 Access to Group and One-on-One Recordings, and all resources.

>> Foundational Framework Videos: Access to Bodhi's collection of Foundational Framework Videos and Slides.

>> Downloadable Meditation Collection: Access Bodhi's collection of downloadable guided meditations.

>> LMP Whatsapp Community: For connection and accountability

>> Free Access to Bodhi’s Online Courses: Including ‘Understanding the Masculine & Feminine + ‘Parenting from the Inside, Out’

This is For...

>> Men from around the world aged 35-55 who run their own business or are in leadership roles.

>> Men in relationship with a partner and/or children... or men who would like to be in relationship.

>> Men with a quiet longing to really know themselves and fully express themselves in the world.

>> Male householders with some deeper questions about life who don’t want to become a monk to answer them.

>> Men motivated and committed to doing the work and ready to get off the mental and emotional roller coaster.

Next Intake

The next Program begins:



Numbers are strictly limited & participants need to have completed 3MTHS of Private Mentoring or Bodhi's 3 MTH Distraction to Presence Program to take part. 

This 9 MONTH PROGRAM is designed for male business owners and leaders who want to get to know their True Self and fully show up as leaders, husbands and fathers. It is for men who sense their natural desire for freedom and have realised the path to true freedom actually lies within. It's an inside out job.

If you're ready to walk this path of Inner Peace and Outer Purpose, you will need a wise guide and a supportive tribe for your Hero's Journey. This is what the Leadership Mastery Program will give you....

If you're currently working with Bodhi Privately or in a Group Program, you will be directly invited to join this Program.







Are you ready for true freedom?